Custom Painting

When you have a custom painting project in mind, you can trust 1 Touch Painting to do it right. Our painters have over 20 years of experience. Our tried and true process produces the best results every time. Whether you want an accent wall or a special nursery design, we will work hard to complete the project as close to your concept as we can. 



A good interior painting job starts with proper preparation. That’s why we start every job with a thorough inspection. After moving your furniture and protecting any of your possessions with plastic tarps, we check for holes, scratches, and cracks in your walls and drywall. If your walls have any damage, we will start by repairing the drywall. After the drywall has been repaired, we fill and sand any small scratches or cracks to ensure an even coat of paint and a beautiful finish. 

After checking for wall damage, we check your windows and doors. If there are any cracks in the seals around your windows or doors, we will reseal them for a finished look that will protect your home. 

After the preparation is complete, we will paint a base coat on your walls and trim. The best paint jobs always require more than one coat, so we will work in stages to ensure that your project is complete as quickly and efficiently as possible while still producing the best result. After the base coat and trim is painted, we will begin mapping out your custom concept. This will ensure that your project is completed as close to your custom concept as possible. After carefully painting your custom design, we will double and triple check our work. 

After the paint has dried and your custom paint project is complete, we will touch up and last spots before removing the plastic and cleaning up from the project. We will label and leave any leftover paint with you for any touchups down the road.